Mercury stations RETROGRADE August 5
Mars cruising through Mercury-ruled Gemini ’til September 5

Mercury retrograde
We’re in what’s called the shadow period of Mercury retrograde as the mischievous messenger starts to slow down as it approaches its retrograde period beginning on August 5. Mercury will station retrograde at 4 degrees Virgo, move back into Leo on August 16. Mercury will station direct on August 28 at 21 degrees Leo.
Basically, what you need to know is that from August 5 through the 28th, Mercury will be up to its usual antics,
but more so.
You get to re-visit and re-consider how you are expressing yourself, especially as creative ideas busting through this LEO energy. Where do you want to shine? On a big stage? Online with a global audience? In your kitchen? MUCH creative energy is being activated. You’ll undoubtedly be getting oodles of ideas. When Mercury re-enters Virgo on September 10 you’ll be more able to sort through the bounty of ideas coming through and choose which ones fit you best, which ones you want to implement.
Mars entered Gemini on July 21 joining Jupiter already transiting this Mercury-ruled mutable Air sign. Mars will transit Gemini until September 5. Jupiter is there until next June. LOTS of mental energy is being activated. Ground yourself frequently. Walk barefoot on the Earth as much as possible. Recline on a rock. Visit a creek. Cultivate your love affair with the ocean. Connect with the EARTH energy as Mercury and Mars work all kinds of excitement in your mental body.
Mars and Jupiter in Gemini will activate LOTS of ideas. Keep a journal of ideas coming through but don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by the mental stimulation. You don’t have to act on everything. You couldn’t anyway! Let your ideas percolate. In September you will be able to discern (Virgo) where and how you wish to take action.
If you are the writing type, this would be an excellent time to get those ideas written down. Whatever is your style for translating incoming mental data – do that! And maybe that novel or collection of poems is just begging to be written.
Venus is in LEO through August 5th. Over-the-top is the order of the day. Lots of drama in all arenas. Treat yourself to activities that fill your LOVE bucket. LEO has a generous heart. Give to yourself extravagantly so you have plenty to give to others.
Saturn in Pisces, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Aquarius are all moving retrograde. Even though your mind may be racing, slow down to smell the flowers. What’s the rush anyway? You’ll get to where you’re going when you do and not a moment before.
Uranus is slowing down to begin its retrograde period at 27 degrees Taurus on September 2.
Even surprises (and haven’t there been a plethora of those lately?) will slow down. You will have a chance to re-visit the surprises and evaluate them for what they mean to you.
Where is your focus of attention? It is critical always to know where your focus of attention is as that is where your manifestation will occur. Focus on what you want! Turn your attention away from other people’s opinions. Follow your own counsel. To help you with exactly this, tuning in to your own guidance and managing your own energy, stepping fully into your power without giving yourself away to people and circumstances outside your control, join me and John Wing Flower of Wing Flower Wellness for our new course, HEART VOICE – EMPOWERED EMPATH. This will be a 3-part zoom (recorded) course we are offering September, 14, 21, AND 28. You do NOT have to be on the LIVE call (but we would love it if your could). Check it out and register before the end of August to get the preferred client price of just $49!

Mars and Jupiter in Gemini – take a rest from your overactive mind!