Full Moon at 24 degrees Cancer
13 January 2025
3:27pm mountain time
Moon conjunct Mars
Venus conjunct Saturn

Full Moon in Cancer 1.13.25
I was awakened by the Moon’s glow last night and my brain trying to process the scene in Los Angeles. I live in a fire-prone area and have seen my share of fires, wild and not so wild, and I can attest to both the terror and the awe that fire inspires. I also know that after fires often come floods and landslides and such – so the cycle of the elements work their transformative powers upon us.
Each of us has a role to play in the unfolding drama of life on our precious planet. You might be in the thick of it and I wish you strength and courage to navigate this volatile landscape. Most of us will be watching on our screens, Take note of your responses to the images and stories. Personally I am a fire-watcher and I always have been, way back to frequent fires I witnessed growing up in the Bronx. I watch coverage of the fires and that works for me. It helps me when I can see what’s going on instead of leaving it all up to my imagination. What works for you? Maintaining a sense of peace and inner calm is a must these days. Your calm energy can help soothe the collective – the most important thing!
Mars at 27 degrees Cancer has ignited the Moon at 24 degrees Cancer. Cancer rules the home, our feelings of comfort and safety. Mars is activating issues around safety and security – those who have lost homes, those whose homes are threatened, and those who are terrified of some random event like this happening to them. Clearly we live in a time that pretty much whatever you’re afraid of – fire, flood, financial ruin, loss of loved ones, you yourself exiting the planet – many fears are heightened right now. Know what yours are – awareness is personal power -and do appropriate soothing behaviors to tend to the frightened part of you.
I manage the chaos by receiving energetic healings that help me neutralize fear and connect me to my CORE essential power. I have healings with John Wing Flower, in person when he is in town and on the phone, when he is at his retreat center in Mobile, Alabama. I find the phone readings 100% effective to shift myself from fear to calm. To schedule a session with John text him at 251. 323. 8488.
Venus at 11 degrees Pisces is moving towards a direct conjunction with Saturn at 15 degrees Saturn at the Full Moon. The exact conjunction will occur on January 18. Use your imagination to envision the world you wish to see, the experiences you wish to have. Perhaps the best thing to envision these days is a peaceful heart to guide you through all the mayhem and
The Full Moon is a time of release. Check in with yourself and look to connections with the past. Release and sever what no longer supports you. Be in the present as much as you possibly can. It is in the present moment that you are able to direct your movement and momentum. The Full Moon in Cancer invites you to look at issues of safety and security.
Where do you find your center? Capricorn Sun, ruled by Saturn, supports you to get aligned with what broadens your sense of responsibility to yourself! Security and safety begin on the inside.
Look to where the Full Moon falls in your chart to get clear on where you are being asked to step up your game to fully support yourself through these times of transition and shift.