New Moon at 12 degrees LEO
4 August 2024
5:13am mountain time

New Moon in LEO –
Mercury stations retrograde
As if things haven’t been heating up enough around here, on August 4, the Moon turns New in hot, fiery Leo and Mercury stations retrograde to begin its three-week retrograde period. We all know how trying retrograde periods can be, way more so if you fight the flow of Mercury‘s wisdom. Fighting the flow creates resistance. Resistance creates suffering – wanting something to be other than it is, forgetting that the reality you are experiencing is the one you are creating yourself and that you can change your perception of reality any time you want. That you are 100% responsible for the experience you are having is a lot to chew on but what a liberating relief when you step fully into your personal power, fully claiming your life experience as entirely your own. whew! More on stepping into and fully claiming your personal power at HEART VOICE.
Oh yeah! This NEW MOON in Leo, the peak of summer, the fullness of the creative process coming to fruition all around us in Nature. This New Moon and stationing Mercury hovering around 4 degrees Virgo, poised to move backwards to
21 degrees Leo on August 28, invites you to re-visit your own creative expression – how you may be restricting your own creative flow with self-criticism or replaying old programs that tell you you’re not creative (that’s bull crap) or that your time is only worth something if you’re in service to what others may need. Let this New LEO Moon stimulate your own spark of creativity.
Blow the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini air on your creativity, stoking those embers to a frenzy of creative ideas. There are a few wildfires burning in the foothills near to where I live these days. It is obvious that the fires have just the perfect tinder to fuel the flames. What fuels the flames of your own creativity? You are creating your life anew every day. Are you feeding your creative self what it needs? Are your daily rituals supporting your creative energy or are you so busy busy busy you give yourself no time to feed and nourish your creative spark?
In these few days leading up to the New Moon, these days of the darkest phase of the moon, the balsamic phase, you are choosing which seeds you wish to nourish and tend as the Moon turns New. Choose seeds that fuel your creative process. I was at an event in a theatre next to where there was a showing of Frozen, the musical. Oodles of little girls were dressed up as Elsa in their blue gowns and crowns and all manner of magic. THAT is LEO energy! Dress up! Have fun! PLay! PLay! PLay! and out of reckless play comes the best ideas for what you next wish to create in your life.

Arthur the cat channels kitty wisdom!
I’m adding a new part to my astro updates, as specifically requested (demanded, insisted) by Arthur the cat himself. I had a most interesting reading with an animal communicator, Asha Wolf, to address why Arthur bites me often and wakes me up in the middle of the night. It turns out that he has many stories to tell and he chose me (that’s a story for another day…) to be his scribe.
Right now he is lying basically wrapped around the computer and he’s reaching his paw out to me. He has wisdom to share, which is evident if you’ve ever spent time around him but he also wants me to write what he is channeling and he’s angry at me that I haven’t given him voice! And he wakes me up because when I am sleeping I don’t seem busy with all the things I busy myself with, and he feels he can get my attention then .OK, well, who am I do ignore this request? And if it stops him from biting me and waking me frequently in the night – I’ll try it. Today he wants me to tell you that you need more rest. Many energies are flooding the planet right now and your body, mind, and spirit can easily be overwhelmed and hyper-stressed from trying to integrate the energies into your system. Like trying to run 220 volts through a line equipped only to handle 110 volts, your body, mind, and spirit need to rest in order to fully integrate the changes or, literally, you can blow your circuits. Like how shavasana, the rest and time at the end of a yoga class is the MOST important part of class, the integration of the energies being of paramount importance. So,,, do as I do, says Arthur, sleep often and a lot. Eat foods that are right for you, regardless of the latest fads. Know what you need and give it yourself.
Thanks ARTHUR! For sure there’s a catnap in my very near future.
Asha offers free 20-minute healing sessions for your animal friend.
Thanks Asha!
Wishing you great PLAY at the New Leo Moon and a welcome to Mercury, cosmic mischief-maker,
creating all kinds of diversions to keep you alert to your creative impulses!