Starry Blessings Astrology

Practical celestial guidance for the ride of your life


In the shadow of Mercury retrograde as Mars joins Jupiter in Gemini – MIND BUSYNESS

2nd Full Moon in Capricorn this summer – 7.21.24 – Keeping your cool no matter what

Mercury and Venus heat things up in LEO

New Moon in Cancer 7.5.24 – How’s that self-care going for you? AMP it UP!

Full Moon follows on heels of Summer Solstice 6.21.24

New Moon in Gemini conjunct Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in Gemini too! Do you know where your mind is? 6.6.2024

Jupiter enters Gemini – a year of the expanding head bubble! Venus in on the Gemini train as well!

Complex Full Moon in Sagittarius 5.23.24

Rev up for Gemini energy!

New Moon in Taurus jam-packed with the cosmic Bull

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Celebrate Venus and the beauty if flowers with me as I show you how to arrange flowers for your home. Spark love, joy, and connection to the Nature spirits with blossoms and greenery.

Visit me at the Flower Channel YouTube page.

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