Summer Solstice
Sun at 0 degree of Cancer
Full Moon at 1 degree of Capricorn
7:07pm Mountain time

Full Moon in Capricorn follows the Summer Solstice 2024
Summer is nigh upon us in the Northern hemisphere as the Sun enters the zero degree of Cancer on 6.20.24 – the longest day of the year, the Summer Solstice. We rejoice and frolic at the wonders Nature brings forth in abundance – flowers and butterflies and warmth. Then the days will begin to shorten as we turn towards the Winter Solstice in December, the ongoing cycle of life and rebirth in our relationship to our great central star, the SUN.
The Full Moon at 1 degree Capricorn (opposite the Sun at one degree Cancer) follows right on the heels of the Summer Solstice. Capricorn reminds us there is work to be done, ways to show up fully committed, and things to be attended to in order to reach desired goals. Capricorn is like the CEO of the zodiac, able to see the big picture and all that needs to get done to get to where you want to get.
It could be your big goal these days is to maintain a center core of peace and calm in the midst of what can feel like overwhelming energies bombarding from all sides. It could be world events and consequences rocking your world right now or dealing with other people or confronting your own limitations. I confronted my own limitations with a gift I received from a friend, a gift of an African Violet plant. She had told me months ago that she had many African Violets and she’d be happy to give me one. I imagined, in my limited thinking, a small plant with a few leaves, something in a tiny pot, a cutting from her Mother plant. To my absolute utter thrill the African Violet plant she gifted me with is ginormous, the largest African Violet plant I have ever seen, and covered with clusters of Crayola crayon petunia-colored blossoms! ! Totally busted on my limited thinking. Sofia (Pronounced so-fy-a) – she told me her name – is glorious and I revel in her abundance as a reminder to expand my receiving to its maximum potential, which could be limitless after all! I tried to get a good picture of her to share but all the pictures I took did no justice to her beauty and largesse.
The Full Moon at 1 degree Capricorn is in exact out-of-sign square to Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces. That Capricorn energy is push, pushing, pushing to make something of the dreams and visions born in the Neptunian realm. Whatever effort you make these days to bring form to your ideas will be greatly rewarded. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, which is also transiting Pisces these days, brings results from effort. Identify where you have limited thinking, where you resist the challenge to be your grand and wonderful self and resolve to release your limitations with the power of this Full Moon. New Moon is intention -setting, Full Moon is RELEASE!

Full Moon in Capricorn follows the Summer Solstice 2024