Full Moon at 27 degrees Aquarius
12:25pm mountain time
It’s a SUPERMOON and…it’s BLUE!
Uranus squares the Full Moon

Full Moon at 27 degrees Aquarius – 8.19.24
An interesting factoid I came across in the daily updates I get from EarthSky – a blue moon can refer to EITHER the second full moon in a month OR if there are 4, not the usual 3, full moons in a season (the time between solstice and equinox) the 3rd full moon is called a Blue Moon. This Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19 is not only a SUPERMOON, closest to Earth in its elliptical orbit, but is also the third full moon in a summer that will have four full moons, making it a BLUE MOON. What a mouthful!
Mercury is running full blast these days for me. I have to sit quietly often during the day to give the endless chatter going on in my neuron exchanges a much-needed rest. This particular Mercury retrograde hits MANY parts of my chart, hence the heavily activated mind activity.
Where is Mercury doing its magic in your world?
With Jupiter and Mars closely conjunct in Gemini, ruled by Mercury, undoubtedly your mind is racing as well.
The question is: what is your racing mind focusing upon? I am deeply into personal problem-solving these days and
find myself focused on digging deep for more expanded awareness.
Where is your mind working overtime these days?
Are you aware of where you are focusing your attention?
I am finding another area of interest these days is investigating the nature of the mind-identified self. I was re-visiting Chris Rock’s latest work, Selective Outrage, in which he says: “I may be rich, but I identify as poor.”, That really got me thinking about my inner story line, my own internal identification and if it were aligned with my present reality. It’s not.
Are you aware of your mind-identified self, the part of you that thinks you’re a certain way?
If your mind-identified self is working for you, giving you the experience you want in this lifetime – great! If not, you may want to look more closely at yourself with just these questions in mind. The Aquarian Full Moon can help you to see yourself less from the EGO self (who feels it will perish if it doesn’t get its particular needs met) and more from a universal, global vision, you as citizen of Earth, born of the stars and the sea and the earth. Aquarius energy helps you be more emotionally detached, which could help if you’re mired in an emotional quagmire, like so many are these days. Aquarius energy is group energy. There is much fulfillment in being with others. In person is best, online is second best!
The Aquarian Full Moon axis is squared by Uranus at 26 degrees Taurus. FOR SURE expect the unexpected. That’s a given when Uranus is involved. You could have a major release breakthrough as the Full Moon is a time of letting go and Uranus liberates, though often as a surprise. Surprises demand flexibility. Stay flexible and adaptable in all ways.
The Jupiter-Mars energy in Gemini lends a hand in the flexibility department – agile and able to shift in your mind,
staying less rigid, makes all situations better.