I found this on a walk before the Big Snow came. I took it as good omen – LOVE prevails. Ultimately and always.
I’m not sure things could get any more bizarre as the political arena could not seem more reactionary to any forward progressive movement – the inauguration of a low vibration being on the memorial day of one of the GREAT teachers of LOVE – and yet the astrological omens portend changes for the greater good so….hold on to your hats as the revolution has just begun in the realest sense of the word. The revolution in consciousness that will impact the revolution in thoughts and deeds. Recall that the U.S. is in its Pluto return meaning that Pluto’s energetic influence is as it was when the U.S. was born. Recall also that the birth of the U.S. entails breaking away from a repressive, mad King rulership. Interesting, to say the least. So know who you are, what you stand for, and be willing and ready to live your truth. Each of us is the change. You are the change.
As the Sun moves into Aquarius it conjoins Pluto, the great transformer. The Aquarian energy that is stimulated this week is amplified by the joining of the Sun and Pluto. We see it playing out on the world stage. Look to your own chart to see where 1 degree Aquarius falls. That is the area of your chart that is up for moving from an ego-centric stance to a more group-awareness, your awareness of your place and part in the group. Where is your consciousness focus these days? Working on your own inner peace and calm will affect the group in a positive way. That could be all you need to be doing these days – nurturing and tending to your inner peace and calm. If you are to take direct action as your part in the consciousness revolution, you will know what and when. Trust that.
Be extra mindful of clear communication. Watch for your own rigid thinking, cynicism, and judgment as Mercury is transiting the final degrees of Capricorn until Mercury will join the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius on January 29. Big downloads of higher intelligence busting old ways of thinking. The New is rushing in. We are the escorts of the New. You in your own way. Me in mine. I always am most effective when I stay in my own lane. Staying in my own lane helps me focus my energy properly and effectively. Knowing how to work with your own energy is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do these days. No clearer mirror of how you’re doing than how you are doing in your relationships.

Relationships are everything.
Relationships are always front and center for us humans. The people and pets in our lives – from those we love and adore to those who make us want to banshee scream or run away and hide – are critical to our own beingness, to our own personal and collective evolution. Navigating relationships could be the very most important thing we do in our lives. We are relational beings. Relationships are everything. And relationships begin with the one you have with yourself.
Knowing who you are and what you want is the way to your personal power.