Venus and Mars – up close and personal
Venus and Mars, the so-called ‘personal’ planets, so close to our own orbit, reflects your relational patterns. Venus is your LOVE pattern – what you love, how you give and receive love, beauty, and abundance in your life. Mars is what drives you. Knowing these aspects of yourself – what sign and house Venus and Mars show up in your birth chart – will improve every relationship you have because the more you know YOU the more you can share YOU with OTHER.
This month Venus is moving through the compassionate and waaay sensitive sign of Pisces until February 4. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the higher octave of Venus. Neptune is still transiting the sign of Pisces until March 31st and Saturn is transiting Pisces until May 29th. A lot of energetic focus in the ethereal, non-linear realms. Less focus on the rational, analytical mind. More surrender to feelings, allowing for necessary purging. Give yourself lots of quiet time to just be. Learn more about how to work with Venus –
Feed Your Venus.
Mars is moving retrograde in the watery Moon-ruled sign of Cancer. Action is slowed by and fueled by emotional responses. Many old wounds are being triggered and brought to the surface for healing, Do your emotional healing. Commit to the process. Mars will station direct on February 24 at 17 degrees Cancer. Mars moves through Cancer until April 19th. Take this time to be with yourself in loving, nurturing ways. The more you love on yourself and feed yourself LOVE, the more you will be able to share this love with others. The Law of Attraction is the law and it just IS. Your resonance attracts like resonance. You love yourself more, you attract people who love you more and love themselves more too. Love expands and grows everything it touches.