Full Moon at 8 degrees Cancer
December 29, 2020
8:28pm Mountain time

magical late afternoon light of december
I just love the late afternoon December light in the foothills of the Rockies. There is something so magical and trance-like about it, the last rays of light before early sunsets and the rising of winter constellations. A time of reflection on the year passing as I consider the possibilities for the new year just ahead.
That 2020 has been, and continues to be, even in the final days of the year, a game-changer is obvious. What you do with the shifting sands of time and space is your call. This is the reason I am so attracted to astrology. Your birth chart holds all the seeds of your full potential and the timing of the germination and blossoming of those seeds. I find that when you know this about yourself you are more likely to focus your attention on your potential, less on what you did not accomplish and who you have not been. Too often we tend to focus on our failures rather than our successes, forgetting that life is a journey and living is a process, not a static experience. Nothing is ever going to stay the same and the more adaptable and willing you are to fully inhabit your unique wonderfulness, the way more fun will be the ride. Or at very least, you won’t be asleep at the wheel of your own life, missing all the good stuff.
The last Full Moon of 2020 falls on December 29 at 8:28pm mountain time. The Full Moon is at 8 degrees Cancer opposite the Sun at 8 degrees Capricorn. Each Full Moon offers you a time to re-calibrate and re-assess what needs to be adjusted and released to create more balance through the energies of the signs that are involved. The Cancer-Capricorn axis asks you to look at the balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies in your own life. Where are you directive and forceful? Where are you more receptive and nurturing? Are there adjustments you can be making in your awareness and focus to bring these more into balance? Remember that the terms masculine and feminine refer to energies and not gender.
The houses where the Full Moon falls in your own chart will show you the areas in your own life where these energies will play out. Following the New Moon and Full Moon energies in your own chart each month supports an opportunity to re-balance and re-calibrate on a monthly basis. And who doesn’t need that? If you would like a personalized transit and lunation mini-reading sent to your phone each month sign up at READINGS.

What else is happening in the cosmos?
Mercury conjoins the Sun for the Full Moon. Mercury in Capricorn is all about keeping the goal insight and having the mental discipline to stay on task. Mercury in Capricorn can be overly directive and accomplishment-oriented. Along with Mercury in Virgo a Capricornian Mercury can set an unrelenting standard. Beware! The unrelenting standard is endlessly tedious and exhausting.
The Full Moon axis makes a square to Chiron at 5 degrees Aries. Lunar illumination on your wounds and where you might need to take some risks to take action to release them. Awareness is step #1. Then you can release them to the infinite void where they will be transformed into something else entirely.
The Sun makes a trine aspect of opening and ease to Black Lilith and Uranus. Spontaneous liberation from the power your shadow side holds. Release and liberation. Let it be so.
Jupiter and Saturn have entered the futuristic sign of Aquarius, The future has arrived. And it is us.
With the dawning of the AGE of Aquarius I am excited to bring into the world the condensed and re-compiled ebook version of The LOVE BOOKS re-named Illuminations on the New Energies of LOVE.
I am putting the final perfectionistic touches on the ebook so it will be birthed in the new year.
In line with the core theme of Full Moon release of negative thought, specifically about negative self-talk here is one of my favorite channelings of the book:
“To recognize what is inside your heart, to see what lies inside yourself there needs to be a written understanding of what is NOT, then a conscious release of inaccurate false self-titles. Write down all the titles you have given yourself and that have been placed upon you. Look at those titles and see which ones are true and correct and which are not. This list is NOT to be obsessed over or even re-read. Allow what is incorrect to be forgotten. Discard, let go of, release all negative self-titles. Take that piece
of paper and rip it to shreds, burn it, flush it, release all negative self-titles back to the INFINITE.”
I can hardly wait to share the full channelings with you! They are beautiful and timely. Just what we all need to hear right about now!