New Moon in Capricorn
We are indeed living in the most chaotic of times and you chose to incarnate for this wild show or you would not be reading this newsletter. You would be off in another reality entirely but you’re not! You’re here! And you can experience this ride any way you choose. You probably are feeling the entire range of emotional responses to the unfolding drama in our world. Pandemic. Seditious insurrection. Violence. Darkness revealed in all its depths. No question about it – a wild, wild ride.

New Moon in Capricorn 1. 12. 21
As New Moons are intention-setting cosmic openings we experience each month in the lunar cycle, setting your intentions for how you wish to see your world unfold in its evolutionary process is time well spent on this propitious first New Moon of 2021! The Sun and Moon at 23 degrees Capricorn are in ridiculously close conjunction with Pluto, hence the palpable intensity of this time we are all navigating.