Full Moon in Aquarius 7.23.21
Astrology is a navigational tool to help you cess out the emotional and physical landscape of your life journey. Events will happen in your reality, in your consciousness, and you get to work with those events and their energetic effects in your natural style and in the ways you are evolving. Similar circumstances, people and events will occur repeatedly in your life associated with planetary cycles and their influence on your chart. You get to work with them, manage them, grow through them, evidence of how much you have expanded your understanding and comfort level with the ever-changing flow of life.
Full Moon at 1 degree Aquarius. When Pluto is involved with the Full Moon there is great opportunity for intense emotional transformation. With the Full Moon in Aquarius opposing the Sun in Leo you get to look at the balance of your own creative expression in the context of the community, your ego needs in relation to your social groups and the world at large. The Aquarian moon has an emotional detachment that lets you step away from needing approval and admiration (which a Leo Sun craves), guiding you instead to a bigger vista of seeing yourself as a necessary cog in the wheel of your Life, a part of something bigger which needs your unique contribution, your unique energy that makes the whole picture complete. Like an intricate dance, your part in the dance is critically important to the entire production. Though you may feel inconsequential, that your part, however small, is not needed – that is incorrect. The Aquarian moon knows each part makes the whole cohesive and functional, each soul has its purpose and in the context of the Creator, each soul has value and is needed for the entire shebangie bang to roll along. The trick is to enjoy the ride, no matter what unfolds.
0 degrees Pisces. Jupiter is moving retrograde and will re-enter Aquarius on July 29. Great opportunity here this week to expand your understanding of LOVE, personally and in relation to the greater whole. Oodles of fabulous info (and gorgeous photos) on the New Energies of LOVE in my ebook Illuminations. Check it out…it’s beautiful and so helpful to really get what’s happening on the planet right now. ILLUMINATIONS.
Feed Your Venus.

look for wonders as you enter laughing Full Moon in Aquarius 7.23.21
Look for wonders, for magic tucked in all kinds of places. No matter the outer circumstances, you get to create and inhabit your inner world and that gets to be whatever you want it to be! The Aquarian Moon supports your individuality as a necessary part of an intricate pattern of life evolving. And take your time. Relax into the flow. I am learning how to video-edit my Flower channel videos and I am up against my own procrastination…so be it! Things take as long as they do and I am learning to allow more for Divine timing…clearly not my own! With Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto all moving retrograde it’s no wonder everything feels slowed to a snail’s pace. So it is!

TheFlowerChannel on youtube
In the meantime there are some cool Spiraea videos up and, all things being as they seem to be, more will be up after my scheduled root canal brought in by a misplaced nacho.