Full Gemini Moon 12.18.21
The last Full Moon of 2021 at 27 degrees Gemini falls opposite the Galactic Center of our galaxy at 27 degrees Sagittarius. The Galactic Center is the ginormous Black Hole around which our great central star, the Sun, rotates. It’s almost unimaginable in its power, density, and pull. Perhaps this Full Moon, with Pluto at 25 degrees Capricorn conjunct Venus at 26 degrees Capricorn, will draw you into the Black Hole of your own emotional nature. What lies there hidden, yearning to be seen, witnessed and actualized? Is there an end to how deep your emotions can go, how rich their message is for you? Are you willing and open to investigate the depths of your feelings, to really identify what you desire and your willingness to pursue your most heartfelt dreams?

Jupiter re-enters Pisces 12.30.21
The greatest gift you can give yourself now, and always, is to be able to view yourself through loving, accepting eyes. If learning more about your soul imprint helps you to appreciate your unique divine spark then schedule your session and let’s have a talk about all that.
Because, really, when you whittle it all down to its core, this life, it is about cultivating love for yourself so you may incarnate fully as love. it’s a process, but a truly interesting one.
Become cosmically interested in yourself!
You might be very surprised at, well, everything.