Spring miracles
Wandering around looking for miracles I spotted some tender foliage busting through the almost Spring earth. I was particularly struck by how undamaged, fresh, green and vital were these young shoots. In my mind I had always envisioned that the leaves themselves broke through the soil but in closer examination I realized that undamaged leaves would be an impossibility if the leaves themselves had to break through hard, just thawing soil. When I looked closer I saw that the ground around the emerging shoots had fissures and cracks and that the leaves were growing up through the fissures. Ah ha! Perhaps it is the vibration given off by the growing tips that creates movement in the earth, creating breaks just big enough for the new young shoots to bust on through. This was not an action born of strength but of vibrational shift triggered by changes in light and temperature. The planet ITSELF was vibrating enough to break up the earth! woohoo! This is exactly how we grow. When our vibration is activated high enough we make a change towards our growth edge. We emerge. Some part of us – fresh, new, tender and vulnerable to the elements, eager to reach the light, open to welcome the warmth of the promise of living our day in the sun.

Venus and Mars transit Aquarius: reveal your true self!