April 21, 2023 – May 15, 2023
15 degrees Taurus back to 5 degrees Taurus

Mercury retrograde in Taurus, 4.19.23 – 5.10.23
Truth be told I have been in somewhat of an altered state of consciousness/awareness since the eclipse of last Wednesday, April 19, which is why this Mercury retrograde newsletter comes as real-time experience and not a projection of what could be, and, as such, is 3 days after Mercury has already turned retrograde. We’re IN IT! Clearly I am.
I have noticed a subtle shift in how I am experiencing myself interacting with the people in my social and emotional world – a softer eye is maybe the best the way to explain it. I see the details in less of a stark light and more with a Monet eye – softer, warmer edges. It’s as if a lens with which I had been viewing my world has been changed and this lens is more compassionate and more forgiving. Like when I put on a skier’s pair of amber-tinted glasses in the Autumn and the colors of the trees were fabulous beyond fabulous. I asked myself if it was real to see the trees through the colored lens as did that not discount their beauty without the lens? But then I had to acknowledge that we are always looking through a lens and we get to choose which one. I ended up going with the amber-tinted sunglasses as anyone will tell you about me – I always opt for seeing more and more and more BEAUTY.
A perfect segue to this Mercury retrograde period in Venus-ruled Taurus. Perhaps this entire 3-week period that Mercury is retrograding in Taurus, you are being invited to look more deeply into your relationship with Venus as she is expressed through her love and appreciation for BEAUTY, for nature, for delightfully sensual experiences, and especially for her love of the Earth herself and all the magical, wondrous things the Earth gifts us each and every day. Do you look for beauty or are you looking for things to complain about, things to worry about? Good to notice.
Loving the Earth has been deeply imprinted into our collective consciousness this year more than ever with many vibrant EARTH DAY celebrations. I felt it, for sure. I planted my first pansies of the season – an ecstatic ritual of welcoming new growth and hope for a season full of flowers. Enhance your connection with Venus in Taurus in my ebook Feed Your Venus and start practicing connecting with Venus. You’ll like it! Activating Venus is everything GOOD GOOD GOOD! The more GOOD you feel, the more GOOD you attract, the more GOOD there is.

Sun, Mercury, and Uranus in Taurus
This Mercury retrograde period in the earth-loving sign of Taurus is asking you where you’re at in your relationship with the Earth and how can you strengthen that connection. Look to where 5-15 degrees falls in your birth chart. This is the area of deepest connection for you at this time – connection to yourself as co-existing with the beautiful planet many call home, showing you the parts of your life that are most connected to this energetic shift.
Mercury in Taurus reminds you that your LIFE is precious and to be pampered and cared for as the Earth so generously cares for us. Care for your inner Venus radiates out into the world as care for all. Taurus time shows us that preparing the soil to support new growth is the first and most important step in ensuring healthy plants. So too must each if us prepare the soil for our own growth, to work on the very foundation of our relationship to being alive in your own unique, sentient incarnation. Where is Mercury retrograde playing out in your own chart? Good stuff! The BEST STUFF!
The SUN and Uranus are both transiting Taurus these days as well. The SUN will conjoin Uranus on May 10-11 at 19 degrees Taurus. If you have any planets or points at 19 degrees Taurus or any planets squaring or opposing that degree, you will undoubtedly have a profound liberation experience. Allow it. Use Saturn transiting Pisces to help you release any resistance to what the process of liberation may be. Often that is a shift in consciousness that has you experiencing your world in a new, and perhaps more exciting, and freeing way.
Venus-ruled Taurus revels in appreciation for the abundance available. See the massive horns on our Taurus friend in the upper photo – unashamedly OPEN TO RECEIVE the GOODNESS.An excellent Taurean practice!
Venus herself is transiting Mercury – ruled Gemini. Venus is in the sign ruled by Mercury (Gemini) and Mercury is in the sign ruled by Venus (Taurus). A mutually receptive, cosmic connection. Mercury learns about the steadfastness and grounded, Earth-based energy of Taurus as Venus learns to activate herself in the Mercury-ruled area of the mind. Exciting stuff! Work with both Venus in Taurus and Venus in Gemini during this powerful time of Venus activating the body and the mind!
I feel like this is such a critical time to work on knowing yourself as much as you can. As the great shifts being ushered in by Pluto entering EVERYTHING NEW Aquarius and Saturn moving through the deeply compassionate sign of Pisces, where Neptune is, and has been, working his dissolving energy, can you notice any shifts lately in your own emotional world? This would be something worth discussing. If you feel so moved, schedule a session and let/s talk about what’s going on with you and how to best navigate the internal and external shifts you probably are experiencing – as are we all!