Mercury retrograde
1 April – 25 April
27 degrees Aries back to 15 degrees Aries
New Moon Solar Eclipse
8 April 2024
21 degrees Aries

Mercury retrograde 1 April -25 April
The day before the big dump of snow this past week I was messing around in the garden cutting back lemon balm stalks from last season and clearing out some fall leaves when I was visited by this lovely ladybug and a few of her ladybug friends. A sure sign of Spring making its way to the prairie. Spring can be such a tease, thrilling you with new growth and old garden visitors and then dropping deeply into the low temps, even as the Sun shines. I feel that in my own Spring movement as well. Stepping forward with some new things and then retreating back into blankets of the familiar cocooning of the past few years. I’m tracking both
Venus, Mars, Saturn and Neptune moving through Pisces and how those energies have created a foggy haze around the areas of my chart where they are lingering. Following the movement of the planets and their influence on my chart helps me to stay sane in these volatile times.
The big New Moon Solar eclipse at 21 degrees Aries that pretty much everyone is talking about will occur on April 8th. Many of us in the States will have a great view of the eclipse and even if you only see part of it…wear the special glasses as the Sun’s rays are powerful, even if you’re seeing just part of them! And if you’ve ever seen an eclipse you know it’s pretty hard not to look! Eclipses have a 3 degree orb of influence so if you have planets or significant points on either side of 21 Aries (18-24 degrees Aries) you will be experiencing a direct hit, areas in your life that are up for shift, change, and new growth.

New Moon Solar Eclipse 8 April 2024 Mercury retrograde 1 April -24 April 2024
In between the eclipses Mercury turns retrograde!
Ha! Just when you thought you might have a bit of reprieve from whatever stuff might be playing out in your world, Mercury goes retrograde in Aries. Mercury will be a few retrograde (moving backwards) degrees from the New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 8. You might take some risks in your communication, speaking out with courage where you might have held back before. Watch for effects that might have on others and be open to learning from your bravery.
You might have to revisit communication you have had before and maybe re-do some of what needs re-addressing. Glitches are to be expected. Navigate them with diplomacy (Libra – the opposite end of the spectrum from Aries) and grace! Remember Aries is ruled by Mars and Mars needs to tempered with LOVE to be most effective. Start by loving yourself and move on from there.