New Moon in Scorpio 11.14. 2020
Between the election craziness, the post-election insanity and the passing of two beloved teachers in my community I am just today feeling myself coming out of a deep and all-consuming exhaustion. With Mercury now making its way through the degrees of Scorpio it passed in its retrograde phase – Mercury is at zero degrees Scorpio today on the day of the 11:11 portal, moving forward through all of Scorpio through December 1. All kinds of deep, emotional sadnesses, disappointments, betrayals, and scary things that go bump in the night are sure to be playing out on your emotional screen. Let these feelings and thought forms rise to the surface – the grief, the losses, the fears – allowing them to move back to Source to be transmuted into pure light. This is the work of today and in the days to come.

relax into what is
Welcome the NEW LIGHT coming through the 11:11 portal, light that will be continuing to pour into our awareness more and more through 2021. Imagine yourself as a light-holding vessel, expanding more and more each day to be able to anchor and hold more and more light. To make space for the light you will need to release the stranglehold of emotional pain and disappointments and this is not always so easy to do. In fact, it is really hard to do until you are ready to just let it all go, replacing those feelings with those that bring you JOY. This is the work – to consciously and with clear focus of attention replace lower vibrating emotions with higher vibration emotions. This is the FUN part! To dwell on what makes you feel lighter, happier, more joyous – this is FUN! Let yourself have FUN and feel yourself getting lighter and lighter. Worrying, fretting, and endlessly going over what you don’t want is not only a complete and total waste of time, worse! these behaviors are attracting more of the same. If you want to feel relaxed and at peace and if this is the world you want to live in then nurture and feed peace and relaxation in yourself. This is how it works: what you focus on you will experience. Don’t take my word for it – try it for yourself! And then report back. It helps to watch cats. As Eckart Tolle says in The Power of Now, “I’ve lived with many Zen masters and they have all been cats.”