EARTH DAY 2021 – playing in the mud with a friend
In my reality every day is EARTH DAY – our planet, our home! To honor her magnificence I revel in her beauty and wonders every day, with every flower I sniff, every bird I marvel at, and every mud-caked walk I take rejoicing with her in her Spring celebration. Miraculously (is not every day, each moment a miracle?) we have had a lot of snow and rain in the last weeks, helping to mitigate potential summers fires, and our favorite walk was a mud-filled playground. Robins singing their Spring devotional, prairie dogs chirping, bustling in and out of their master tunnels, and mud-caked walk with some friends. You don’t have to look very far to find something to rejoice about.

Sun in Taurus – Full Moon in Scorpio
The Sun has entered the fixed Earth sign, Taurus. It’s Springtime in the northern climes, All creatures are awakening from their winter slumber, busy doing the work of living. Is there anything more exciting than the awakening of Spring?
This FULL MOON at 7 degrees Scorpio opposing the Sun at 7 degrees Taurus illuminates the work of our individual Springs. What will you clear away to make room for the new growth in yourself? This is the work. Clearing the way for the new. Focus only on what you wish to experience next, not on what you are tossing as no longer useful. You’re not going to rummage through your compost bin, are you? Are you digging through last week’s garbage? No! Toss it. Get rid of it and don’t give it another thought.

Arthur grooving on the Taurus vibe of comfort!
Venus at 13 degrees Taurus makes a one degree conjunction with Mercury at 16 degrees Taurus – LOVE is in the air! Conversations will be more loving, emotional connections more heartfelt. Rejoice in the earth’s rebirth and, as a fractile of source energy that you are, rejoice and welcome your own rebirth.