Full Moon at 3 degrees Capricorn
24 June 2021
12:40pm mountain time
I find these days, as energies are building and then retreating, as we flow with the lunar-ruled Cancer Sun, that having specific tasks to tend to helps me stay grounded. Cleaning Arthur’s box (the big clean-out), emptying the fridge of food that has seen better days, organizing paperwork and tending to my plants helps me to be fully in my body as my mind reaches out into the cosmos for answers to the eternal Why. The theme of conversation with many clients these days seems to be related to a feeling of stuckness, of low energy, of an inability to get going on anything but rest. And it is indeed a time to rest, re-orient, re-prioritize, and moon-gaze at this luscious summer Full Moon.
Mercury is now moving forward after 3 weeks of rather exhausting mischief-making. Jupiter is retrograde. Saturn is retrograde. Neptune turns retrograde on June 25. Pluto is retrograde. Planets are slowing down and so it is best to slow down as well. What’s the rush anyway? Where are you going and what is the hurry to get there? As you align with the vibrational movement of the planets you will naturally feel more in the flow. Pushing to get things done when you’re tired is a waste of your energy. When you’re tired (and who isn’t these days after the year we have all just been through?) rest and/or do things that comfort you, delight you, and help your entire system to relax. I watched Bridesmaids again for the 100th time and I think I laughed harder this time than any of the other times. And then I had a great sleep. Laughter feeds every cell with joy and then rest and release is easier.
This Full Moon in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, can feel emotionally heavy, full of responsibility and things you feel just must get done. And sadness might rise to the surface. Let it rise, release it, then have yourself a hefty dose of laughter. Venus soothes Saturnian energy. Venus moving through the intuitive, nurturing, safety and security-loving sign of Cancer tells you tend to your home, physically and energetically. Make your nest and rest in it, the most important home being the sacred space of peace inside your heart. That sacred resting space inside yourself is for you to nurture and tend. However you do this for yourself, do it.
The Moon is going to look full and powerful tonight even though in the mountain time zone (adjust for your time zone) the exact full lunation will occur at 12:40pm on the 24th. Energies intensify as we approach the Full Moon so tonight should be emotionally full for sure. Care for your inner sacred space. Comfort yourself with friends, with laughter, with…cats! As Eckart Tolle said in The Power of Now, “I’ve lived with many zen masters in my life and they have all been cats.”

Full Moon in Capricorn 6.24.21 Find delight!