New Moon in Cancer 7.9.21
I don’t know if it’s just me but I seem to see hearts everywhere. It could be that I’m looking for them or I’m just open to noticing them or they really ARE everywhere in Nature’s bounty but these strawberries are lined up like can-can dancers just bursting forth with LOVE. And they were delicious, as you can imagine, especially when I lightly sauteed them with fresh from the garden rhubarb! Whether you are collecting edible treasures from your own garden or enjoying the fruits of your local farmer’s, the abundance of summer is clearly upon us. What are you looking for and seeking out? Surely there is LOVE available in endless forms.

Cancer New Moon 7.9.21
This lunation is intensified by an opposition from dwarf planet, purger Pluto. Cancer is such a sensitive time anyway, what with the sentimental, emotional moon rulership and Neptune trining this New Moon. I would imagine deeply guarded feelings are going to make their way to the surface. Self-care is an absolute MUST as you engage with these feelings and do your emotional work to release their grip on your reality. Sometimes it can feel nearly impossible to release strong feelings but, like thunderstorm clouds, they will pass – if you let them. Experiences that have hurt your heart, that have caused deep feelings ranging from disappointment all the way to rage are usually connected to feeling unloved. You can never make someone else love you in the way you want but you can amp up your practices of self-love and this New Moon calls for just that. The outer conditions in your life are a reflection of your inner condition so the more you feed love to yourself and nurture your inner condition the more you will experience LOVE from others. Don’t take my word for it. Try it yourself!