October 2021 – retrograde planets busting a move!
Perhaps you have been feeling the rush of shifting energy as autumn rushes in with rain, snow, wind, lightning – the dramatic dance of the heavens as the days grow shorter and we prepare to go inward to feed and nourish our inner selves, the nest of our own rest.

Cleanse your crystals
Retrograde planets slow down our experience.
Forward-moving planets create potential for movement, opening energetic pathways that were sluggish or blocked completely when the planet was in retrograde mode.
Many people I have spoken with over these past few months have reported feeling unclear as to how to proceed, slowed down. Some said they had a feeling of nothingness. This is to be expected and even cherished. Like shavasana at the end of a yoga class, the integration of energies requires you to be still, to lay quietly, to allow the energies to do their magic on you and with you. I see retrograde times as times of necessary rest and slowing down so…if you resonate with these feelings…you’re in exactly the correct mode. If you’re fighting the slowdown, impatient for things to change (and really, can anyone blame you?} this is the PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to give yourself a rest, to stop hounding yourself to be more together, or clearer, or more productive.
A great time to give your crystals a cleanse. My amethyst is enjoying a bath scattered with autumn leaves. There’s a smoky quartz behind it and a citrine off the left. We all feel better after a salt bath!

The Flower Channel on YOUTUBE
Procrastination seems to also be predominant int eh field of consciousness right now. Procrastination and I go way back. Sometimes I come up for my morning tea and procrastination is already munching on scones at the breakfast table. So, at least knowing that so many planets have been moving retrograde, I forgive my procrastination and KNOW that as speed starts building I will finally learn to edit the many flower videos I have already created and get them uploaded at last onto my