Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 18-19 November 2021
Gossamer seeds of the monarch butterfly’s favorite treat, Asclepias, the sacred milkweed, after quite a tussle with a November wind, landed in a spread of autumn grasses where they will burrow in and perhaps, all conditions being as required, will germinate into new milkweed plants in the Spring. Like the tossed and tumbled milkweed seeds each of us has been jostled and perhaps even shoved into shaking up our usual routines, each in our own way, you in your unique way.

Lunar Eclipse November 18-19, 2021
When a seed germinates it breaks free of its outer, protective covering, to allow the fresh, new, tender, vulnerable growth to reach to the light. Are we really any different than our plant allies? We often are presented with opportunities to reach our tendrils to the light, to break through seemingly solid structures into entirely different realities. Certain astrological configurations and cosmic events, like eclipses, create openings in your personal and in our collective consciousness. An eclipse is like a temporary shut-off as re-calibration is occurring. The zodiac sign that an eclipse occurs in will give us a pretty good idea what areas of life with be influenced to growth potential.

Scorpio energy is intense
During the Scorpionic time of year, now until November 23 when the Sun enters Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius it is very clear to me that the more I release the charge and trigger of my emotional responses the more energy I have to pursue pleasurable, vibration-elevating, creative experiences, adding my expanded, free-from-emotional-guck to the positive vibe energy pool. Scorpionic emotions are often quite embedded in the emotional psyche of your wiring. Every one of us feels Scorpionic energy during the time of Scorpio. That energy might align perfectly with your own astrological make-up or it may be way too intense for you. However you experience Scorpionic energy it is a doorway to transformational energy.

Have the right tools for the job
We all know that having the right tool for the project is essential to creating your desired outcome. It’s easy to see and understand this in the physical, like if you’re building a table. But if your project is in the emotional (Scorpio) realm and the upcoming spiritual (Sagittarius) realm then you need to be thinking about what tools you require to navigate these energies to get the most out of the opportunities they offer you for your own development and evolution. Clarity is preferable but is hard to come by as Neptune transits Pisces and Jupiter is making its way to join Neptune in Pisces at December’s end. Tools that can help you navigate the non-linear, liminal spaces are what’s needed to add to what you already have and use.

get plenty of rest!
As the Moon is farthest from the Earth in its orbit, its apogee point, this eclipse will be the longest-lasting eclipse since 1440! The Incas built Machu Picchu when the last longest eclipse occurred.