New Moon at 12 degrees Pisces
2 March 2022
10:35am mountain time

Piscean buds of HOPE
This year the Pisces New Moon joins Jupiter and Neptune already transiting this dreamy, confusing, mutable water sign. As if the tensions of the ongoing separating Saturn-Uranus square and the ramifications of the Uranus-Pluto square, which technically ended in 2020 but is still heavily influencing world events, were not proof enough of the enormous shift of power we are experiencing on the planet – the Piscean influence of the New Moon, Jupiter, and Neptune brings both hopeful dreams of peaceful resolution as well as shifting sands and confusing terrain. How we all move forward has yet to unfold.
All I can say is that I wish there were women at the negotiating table. Where are the women?! Clearly there needs to be. I am furious that MEN are still running everything and that the men who are still running everything are still playing with their war toys except war is not a game. GRRRR……
I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir here but it is IMPERATIVE that we each focus on what we envision
as the outcome to any and all conflicts, regardless of what images we are seeing.
In my dreams, in setting my intentions, I am focusing entirely and completely on the rise of the empowered Divine Feminine, in love with the world and all her beings, none excluded. That war is still an option is so yesterday. As the buds on the trees start to dream of their full blossoming, so too am I dreaming of the full blossoming of our human potential. And that human potential is LOVE, beginning
with yourself. Are you loving yourself enough these days? Giving yourself enough nutrition,
enough sleep, enough contact with those who love you? Search for LOVE then be open to receive.
It’s a practice, perhaps an unfamiliar practice, but it’s a MUST DO here and now.
It might be you need more relax, down time. Or it might be you need more structured time and clearer goals and focus. Only you know what you need and only you can give it to yourself. The challenge is to be precisely and perfectly honest with yourself, freeing yourself from what others might have told you you need or might have told you you are. Reclaiming your sovereignty is the name of the game and
that will radiate out into the cosmos as a positive statement of LOVE, LOVE for Self and LOVE for all.
What if LOVE were the ONLY OPTION? Ah..a truly Pisces state of mind.
Who else is playing into this New Moon?
We already know that Jupiter is involved, in fact VERY involved. At 14 degrees Pisces Jupiter conjoins the New Moon, expanding the Piscean energy to the very max. Dream big AND watch for possible deception. Pisces energy can be unclear and confusing and is intensely emotional.
Mercury exactly conjoins Saturn at 19 degrees Aquarius. Not a very compassionate combination. Definitely a cold, unemotional energy though Aquarius can come up with innovative solutions with influence on the masses. Let’s hope so.
Both Venus and Mars conjoin Pluto at 27 degrees Capricorn. Huge shifts as the Love planet grinds it out with the planet of action. Hold fast to the action being guided by the transformational energy of LOVE. Be assured with this combo that deep. intense feelings related to possessiveness, obsessions, jealousy and the usual gamut of Plutonian emotions will be playing out. More CBD please.
The world is at a tipping point. You hold the key to which way it will move. Remember your power as a creator being. Create the world you wish to inhabit. Create a world of LOVE. The world is with