Jupiter-Neptune conjunction – which way is up?
Entering gingerly into the balsamic phase of the Moon, a few days before her emergence as NEW in the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, the cardinal fire sign that starts the new zodiac cycle with a bang. More about that but first I really must address the Piscean energy that is working its unique brand of magic, or or mere deception, in each of us. The fog is drifting in heavier. It just is. How do you navigate fog?

New Moon in Aries
1 April 2022
In the midst of all the dreamy, confusing energy pops through the New Moon in Aries. Ruled by Mars, this New Moon has robust, vital life force energy. Adventure-craving, loving a good risk, eager to embrace life with drive and excitement to experience every thing right now, the Aries New Moon gives an energy boost to the weary, bruised heart. Where 11 degrees Aries falls in your chart will show you where this New Moon energy will play out. These areas will be highlighted for action! Any impatience you have been feeling will want an outlet now. Give yourself an outlet for pent up frustrations. I tend to sing VERY loudly in the car and that does wonders for me, especially when I am driving through big opens spaces, ones with great vistas and assorted animal life.