16 April 2022
12:54pm mountain time
a midday Full Moon!
The times they are a’rattlin’ us all. The waves of chaos and uncertainty are upon us. How you ride the wave is entirely up to you. I tend to get to get hyper-creative, channeling concern and worry into creating beauty, order, and a feeling of balance, illusionary as it may be. And, of course, I look to the skies for inspiration and information.
The upcoming Full Moon in Cardinal AIR sign Libra, like the Earth sign Taurus, is ruled by Venus. Libra Full Moon reflects the exuberant Martian energy of the Aries Sun, showing that action directed with no concern for Venus and her needs will create unbalance. To come back into balance, Venus must be honored. Learn lots of nurturing ways to honor Venus in my ebook FEED YOUR VENUS.
At the Full Moon Venus is transiting Pisces where Jupiter and Neptune are conjoined at 24 degrees Pisces (that conjunction occurs through April 17). We delve deeper and deeper into the cosmic Oneness, a place often rife with deep confusion and lack of clarity. We try to figure things out with the rational mind only to be enchanted by something completely unexpected or to lose ourselves in layers of imagined worries and fears. Such is the Piscean realm, home of Neptune, higher octave of Venus. Give yourself as much sleep as possible this month as dreams will speak poignantly to you.
To add to who-needs-more-drama-these-days into the Full Moon mix, Pluto at 28 degrees Capricorn is making a square to the Full Moon. The Aries-Libra dynamic of personal needs vs, needs of others is going to be front and center with the roto-rooter digging of Pluto bring it all to the surface, Do not at all be surprised if deep-seated, core crap comes up. Welcome it! Clearing out that crap is where the healing happens. Letting go of what no longer serves your growth can be challenging but well worth the doing.
With Mercury at 11 degrees Taurus in tight orb to Uranus at 13 degrees Taurus, truly breakthrough ideas can come bursting through, especially related to money, abundance, food, pleasures, and our relationship to the Earth. Clearly top-of-the-mind issues, personally and collectively. Be extra alert to your words. What you think, what you energetically put into words, can abruptly come into your reality so choose to speak only of what you want.
Saturn at 23 degrees Aquarius makes a supportive trine to the Full Moon. Air sign to air sign, this influence could help stressful, unbalanced situations to be negotiated fairly and for sore egos to be soothed by reason and understanding. So should it be!