Autumn Eclipses 2022
I know! This picture is not to be believed and yet it is exactly what I saw from my street a few nights ago.
The sky was lit in such an amazing way reminding me, once again, of the magic and wonder of the cosmos that we get to enjoy, revel in, and learn from each and every day.
The final pair of eclipses (there were two pairs in 2022) are coming up and I always get so excited at the opportunity to re-boot that eclipses bring to us all. Whether you can see the eclipses or not and regardless of where you are on this exquisite jewel of a planet we call EARTH, the eclipse will impact your journey, your ever-evolving soul escapades in your present incarnation.
Eclipses are trigger points for change and growth, like the germinating of a seed into the plant it will become. Where an eclipse impacts your birth chart will show you exactly what is being triggered to grow in your personal reality over the next year, evidences of which become obvious 3 to 6 months from the time of the eclipse. As this pair of eclipses fall at the end of October and the beginning of November you can expect the growth to become evident in February and March of 2023.
The orb of influence of an eclipse is really tight, just 3 degrees, so it is very clear as what is being stimulated and activated in your chart and hence, in your life!
Both eclipses this autumn have a distinct Scorpionic feel as the New Moon falls at 2 degrees Scorpio
and the Full Moon in Taurus opposes the Sun in Scorpio. A Scorpio influence will always indicate some real deep diving into the mysteries of your own emotional make-up. That is a journey I highly recommend getting some mapping out before you begin. Sometimes it’s fun and exciting to go into the deep, dark recesses of your psyche blindly, with no guide or map, but after years of navigating Scorpio energy I would have to say that some good prep will bring way better results.

Autumn Eclipses 2022
This time of year is rich with promises of change and movement. Reflect on your own inner condition. See how your inner condition is mirrored in your outer experience. Your chart is the template for shifting and adjusting your inner condition so your outer circumstances manifest what you truly desire.
You are the creator of your reality. Wooohoo!
Talk about a POWER position!
Engage with your power and move yourself more and more towards what you desire.