25 October 2022
2 degrees Scorpio
4:48am Mountain time
There is no question that each of us has complex mysteries embedded in our emotional natures. The energy highlighted as the Sun moves into the fixed Water sign of Scorpio and 2 eclipses triggering deep emotional excavation are sure to bring to light some of your own emotional patterns. I can feel some of mine rising to the surface of my awareness, even more than the usual closeness to the surface where they lurk just waiting for me to cast a wary eye. I’m talking about the deep stuff that we are want to bury and/or ignore – like jealousies, disappointments, feelings of being neglected and discarded, self-horror, self-denying, and self-doubt, waiting for the next shoe to drop, the worst fears brought into focus as issues of trust and what does it all mean-ness? hover like sharks in the waters of your emotional field. Ok, true that I am an 8th house person (Sun, Moon, Pluto, Jupiter and Mercury in the 8th house – yee-owza!), swimming in Scorpionic waters perhaps more than most, but I know each of us has some dark recesses where we hide away our deepest fears so don’t be at all surprised if these are more front and center for you this Scorpio period. Now the GOOD NEWS!
You are here to inhabit all parts of your psyches, all parts of your awareness, and all parts of your growth potential. Denying the darker corners doesn’t make them go away, it only makes looking there even more terrifying. Embracing the opportunities for deeper self-awareness that the eclipses offer as you dig deep into the potential of your own birth chart – ah! that’s where the miracles flourish and bloom. And really, why not look for miracles when so many wait to catch your attention and blossom into new iterations of your own divine self?
The New Moon Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio is conjoined by Venus at 2 degrees Scorpio. Venus in Scorpio amps up the passion level, the intensity of the deep emotional dive and drive that lives inside of you. Sometimes when these energies get activated you might feel like hiding in a familiar box or even think of sending yourself away from yourself to some destination unknown and uncharted. Stay with yourself! Hold your hand as you navigate the emotional realm. Better yet- reach out and let someone help you. You might find your fears are unfounded and your concerns mere folly when LOVE lights the way to your emotional freedom. More Venus in Scorpio in FEED YOUR VENUS ebook.
Scorpio is the sign ruled by Pluto so even when you feel things are falling apart they are really making the way for the NEW to come in more fully. Schedule your ECLIPSE reading to see what is being triggered to release to make way for the new birthing happening
in your own life.
in your own life.

New Moon Solar Eclipse 10.25.22
Jupiter is retrograding back into Pisces on October 29th. Jupiter will re-enter this Neptune-ruled dreamy sign (where it hung out earlier in 2022) and retrograde back to 28 degrees Pisces. At the Winter Solstice, December 21, Jupiter will re-enter Aries where it will activate the Mars-ruled cardinal Fire sign until mid-May. Which is all to say that the ending months of 2022 will be softer and less edgy, somewhat romanticized, and perhaps leaning towards escape fantasies and addictions as the Neptunian influence can highlight these areas. The Neptune-ruled Piscean energy can also open up connections to the spiritual realms and open doorways to your deeper relationship with Source energy. The choice is yours.
With deeper self-awareness you can make the best choices for yourself as to how you wish to experience the late autumn months of 2022. Having choice is your divine right. Activate your right to choose!
Speaking of the right to choose, Election day falls on the Full Moon Eclipse, November 8. More on that interesting cosmic convergence in newsletters to come. At least Mercury won’t be retrograde as it has been in elections past. Choices made will be clear and the ramifications of these choices will become evident in 2023. I voted already! Did you?