NEW Moon in Capricorn – leading the way with LOVE
We’re in a subzero winter freeze in my nook of the planet and nothing like 9 below zero to be endlessly appreciative of having a warm, cozy place from which to compose astrological tidbits for you. The other night on our Winter Solstice gathering (if you missed it and want to listen to a recording of the gathering, email me – it is available for purchase!) we talked about cultivating JOY and the best way I have found to cultivate JOY is to get into a deep place of appreciation, especially for the many things in your life that are actually working that you might otherwise be taking for granted – like your heat or the internet.
Being in an aware place of appreciation immediately raises your vibration and you, as if by magic, start to attract more things to appreciate. I’ve been experimenting with the vibrational elements of the Law of Attraction, and I can vouch for its veracity. When I was first introduced to the Law of Attraction back in the early 80’s I rejected it as metaphysical hoo-ha because I did not want to believe in any way that I was responsible for the crap coming down in my life. All these years later (I’m a slow and stubborn learner) I can say, for sure, that the Law of Attraction is as valid as the Law of Gravity. And if you’ve ever stumbled out of a dead sleep to feed a whining cat and fell right onto the floor you will agree with me that there is no denying gravity. Which is all to say that I encourage you to experiment with the Law of Attraction (as I’m sure you’ve had plenty of run-ins with the Law of Gravity). Cultivate thoughts and actions that bring JOY to your heart and see how much more JOY you will attract. Report back!

Cleaning crystals – moving the energy to the positive
The New Moon in Capricorn follows the Winter Solstice at just 1 degree Capricorn. The magical sea-goat of the cardinal Earth sign reminds you to take responsibility for what is yours and rejoice in your commitment to show up in your leadership, in your emotional maturity (you’ve worked hard on this one so rejoice in it!), and in grooving on all things in your purview.
Arthur and I will be cleaning crystals today to have them all spruced up for the new year coming right around the corner.
At this New Moon Venus, Mercury, and Pluto are in a dynamic, powerful three-way tete-a-tete in the cardinal Earth sign Capricorn. Yes! The same sign as the New Moon but far enough away by degree to influence less than if they were closer together.
Use your words to anchor LOVE in all your correspondences, in all your communications, in all your engagements with others. Words of LOVE can have profound healing impact this week (always, but ESPECIALLY this week) so use your words of LOVE extravagantly and with robust intention of healing any rifts or misunderstandings, raising all connections to the highest vibration of appreciation.
Jupiter has entered Aries and you are off and running on whatever is next on your trip in this your earthly incarnation. Do so with your eyes and heart open to bring LOVE to all your actions. The more LOVE you bring the more LOVE you will receive. Stay open! You cannot relish in the buffet of Life if your hands are clenched tight.
We are in the shadow of Mercury retrograde. Mercury goes retrograde on December 29. Things are going to confound you and naturally go amiss. Laugh at everything. A road you have to go on as a detour from your original pans might just have delightful surprises you could never have experienced if everything went according to ‘plan’. Haha! You what they say: Humans plan, God laughs. So you best be laughing too. Why not? You could attract more things to laugh about and is that not the world you wish to inhabit? I know I do.