Mercury retrograde
December 29 – January 18
24 degrees Capricorn back to 8 degrees Capricorn
oh, yes and.. Happy New Year!

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn – Happy 2023!
I would have sent this update out yesterday, but my internet was wonky. Mercury had already moved retrograde somewhere way east on the planet of where I live so I was not surprised. The thing about Mercury retrograde is that things are going to go awry of your plans. Mercury does this mischief to keep you aware that all is not as it seems and the faster you learn to go with the flow the more you will enjoy every little (and big) bump in the road.
We like to think we have things all in order and things will unfold (or unravel) in the ways we think they will and we can safely navigate situations and, of course, you can navigate anything coming down the pike, but the more flexible and adaptable you are, the more you will enjoy the ride.
I am recalling a cross country trip with a friend some years ago in the ancient avocado green Mercedes she had inherited from her dad. I think the car’s name was Ella. Well, as it turns out, Ella had no functioning heat or defrost system, which I guess my friend didn’t think would be a problem as it was April and what could go wrong? Ha! So as we are coming over a pass into Weed, California (no joke) we hit an ice storm that covered the road with huge chunks of hard as rock ice chunks the size of New York. Every one who knows me knows I hate driving in snowy, icy weather and yet there I was at the steering wheel with socks on my frozen hands and my friend hanging out the window trying to clear Ella’s fogging up windshield.There was absolutely no option to pull over so I did what I had to do – continue to creep along for about an hour until we reached the town. Sometimes whatever you think is going to happen just doesn’t and something else entirely does. Mercury retrograde periods remind you to expect the best and know whatever happens you will do what you need to do.
The follow-up to that debacle was we wanted to get to a B&B we read about just over the hill from Weed somewhere in the Mount Shasta area. Everyone we chatted with in town told us it would take hours to get there and perhaps in the prevailing weather conditions we should stay put. For some unknown reason and perhaps I was just totally out of my mind by then, we decided to take a chance and head for the B&B. After warming up a bit in Weed with a bowl of fabulous vegie chili, we headed to the B&B. Miraculously the weather cleared and we made it to our destination in record time only to find out the B&B was closed due to repairs. What?! We knocked anyway and the woman caring for the property invited us in, prepared a stunning dinner for us, and then let us stay in any room we wanted for free. I know, right? Magic. There was a ginormous claw foot tub in the bathroom off our room and I bathed many times.
Another Mercury retrograde reminder: magic is afoot when Mercury is retrograde and what appears to be one thing can turn into something truly magical, if you let it.
So as we welcome an entirely new year, 2023, beginning with Mercury moving retrograde, remember to stay in the flow, be flexible with your plans, adaptable to changing circumstances, and relying on your intuition to guide you through confusing times.
And, of course, have your astrology readings so you know what energies are working on you and what you need to do to adjust your navigation.
Venus is conjoining Mercury in the evening sky heralding the message:
speak only words of LOVE. Lead with LOVE. Be the one who always opts for the LOVE solution.
I know, it’s a tall order but, really, it’s what 2023 is all about.
To follow the starry messages in 2023 and to empower your personal navigation I have created an audio download GUIDE, narrated by yours truly with some kitty chorus blended in here and there as is Arthur’s style.
Be in the KNOW so you can be joyously in the NOW.

2023 – Lead with LOVE