FULL MOON at 16 degrees LEO
5 February 2023
11:28am mountain time
AH! My paperwhite Narcissus are blooming just in time to offset the single digit temps outside. I practically got frostbit taking the trash out, but what’s a little frostbite compared with a clean house? It looks like we will be breaking the freeze zone by the end of the week. It has felt like a very, very long January (and I’ve heard many a whine and complaint from other earth travelers) but just like that! It’s February and time moves on, we with it. Time has taken on such unusual dimensions for me and maybe for you as well. Some moments seem to be endless and then, of a sudden, I am back in bed and the day is over, dreamtime approaching.
And then in a flash, shoots will be making their way through thawing gardens, and we will be dancing with joy at the Spring Equinox! Save the date for our Spring Equinox LIVE ZOOM gathering – Monday, March 20, 6pm mountain time.
You can register early at EQUINOX!
Before I get into the potential of the LEO Full Moon let’s talk about Jupiter in Aries.
Jupiter in Aries should be supporting you to bust a move in any way that you choose. Ah…but there’s the issue. Are you clear in where you want to be moving? And if you are clear, are you using the old navigating system to navigate through the new dimensions? From what I have seen, and thus far experienced myself, if you are trying to navigate the new pathways with the old system…it just won’t work. The new system may require a complete overhaul of your methods. And methods begin with mindset. Jupiter is Aries is courageous and bold and willing to try anything and everything new to have the thrill of adventure and the joy of being the lead in the way forward.
Look to where Jupiter in Aries is transiting your chart. That area of your life is where the updated programming for manifestation needs to be uploaded. I know, it sounds like computer talk but humans created computers and the way systems work is dependent on how they are programmed. So, if you want to have a different outcome you need to upgrade, adjust, and reconfigure your programming. Sounds simple enough. Ha! Changing up your programming IS simple but maintaining the new programming involves vigilance until the new programming is perfectly and completely set in place.
The questions to be asking yourself these days are about where you are going and what needs to change, upgraded, or completely replaced in order to get to your desired destination/outcome. Try these on for size: Who am I? and What do I want?And sometimes you may need to be frontally confrontive with yourself to see if you are even willing to make the necessary changes that would bring about the desired outcomes.Being willing is 99% of the battle. And a battle it is when you’re up against your own front line.Aries loves a good battle, especially when the WIN is good for all concerned and when you get to decide how and when to expand into your potential.
Now…on to Full Moon potential! This Full Moon at 16 degrees Leo makes a tight square to Uranus at 15 degrees Taurus. Expect the unexpected when Uranus is involved, that’s for sure. The Leo-Aquarius dynamic of the February 2023 Full Moon balances the urge for personal self-creativity and being noticed (Leo) and the need to be part of the herd (Aquarius) – different and special while also being included. Look to where these fixed signs play out in your own chart to see where the rebel innovator Uranus will trigger the Full Moon dynamic in your own life. Much can be stripped away (and quite suddenly – like giving up sugar altogether, for instance!) to reveal, in the intuitive knowing of the Full Moon’s power, exactly what needs to go and what needs to be kept and re-aligned to fit the direction you are now going.
Venus is in loving, compassionate Pisces these days. Watch for merging consciousness. Keep in your own lane for best navigating.
All planets are in FORWARD motion – slowly but surely moving away from what was to what is becoming. YOU ARE CREATING WHAT IS BECOMING!
Take a clue from Arthur…try a new drawer, Who knows what you’ll find in there? Maybe something truly magical!