Saturn is just finishing up a 2&1/2year transit through the fixed Air sign, Aquarius. And it has been, well… let’s just say, t
he energetic field has been pretty harsh. And for more sensitive types, downright exhausting.
Saturn is about structures, form, constraints, restriction, authority. Saturn shows you where you are being directed to take more responsibility, where you being invited to commit, for the experience of showing up in the ways Saturn is requiring.If you do the work Saturn requires, which is often less often a piece of cake than a long-distance marathon run, there is much joy in the harvest,
in the work well done. And is there not a great joy in accomplishment, in growing, in maturing into your essential potential?
This is what Saturn asks of you.
Especially now.

Saturn in Aquarius
Saturn in Pisces is inviting you into an entirely different realm of experience than the Aquarian realm Saturn is leaving. You most probably will be feeling a distinct shift and you may not have any idea what is happening. I keep seeing an image of locks where two waterways of different levels meet. Think of this: if a boat that has been hanging out in a lake area in an urban zone wants to go frolicking out into the big open sea, the boat goes through a series of locks, or floating platforms (kind of), that will raise the boat to the level of the open seas. Then the boat is ready to move forward. When the boat wants to come back into the lake it has to go through locks again, this time to lower the boat from open sea level to urban lake level. Ok wow, I can’t even believe I just wrote out the locks sequence but…it’s EXACTLY what happens when Saturn enters Pisces.
You will be able, if you wish, to raise your inner vibration to one of more Oneness, of connection to all, to the open seas of consciousness. Is it any surprise that hallucinogenic plant medicine is gaining in popularity for treating anxiety, neurosis, and fear of death? No surprise! Saturn in Aquarius forced us to see the connectivity of us all (the very beginning of using hallucinogens in mainstream therapeutic settings…yay!) and Saturn in Pisces is going to give form to the experience of connecting in Oneness consciousness. Developing your communion with Sprit, your personal spiritual practice, releasing you from the hamster wheel of your mind, allowing you to be at peace with all things – this will be the task Saturn requires of you. When you feel most connected, you are vibrating in unconditional LOVE consciousness. In unconditional LOVE consciousness all thoughts and actions are unconditionally loving and we begin to heal individually and collectively. Each one of us is Saturn- tasked with raising our energetic vibration. How? Focus your attention on things and experiences that make you feel good. And for each of us, that is a personal thing. What’s yours? Look to where Saturn will be moving through your own chart to see where this energy will play out in your own life. Schedule your Saturn in Pisces reading today and be in the cosmic KNOW!
Now the other end of Pisces expression is feeling victimized, diving into depression, despair, and hopelessness leading to addictions – anything to make Life’s painful restrictions feel less painful. The antidote to the despair is connection and that is exactly why Saturn’s task of committing to your spiritual practice will bring you the harvest of the work – more peace, more serenity, more awareness of your place in the universe as a spiritual being having a physical experience – more connection. And don’t we have to be constantly reminded of this?!
And, as always with Piscean energy, which, no doubt, you are feeling right now,you could be just totally spaced out and even confused. Like the mad, frustrating search I just went through searching for my glasses and you know exactly where they were…on my head!