NEW Moon at 24 degrees Cancer
17 July 2023
12:31pm mountain time
a sentimental journey to your comfort zone

New Moon in Cancer
The Cancer New Moon, in her mid-summer frenzy of blossoms and butterflies and long, languid days, invites you to connect with what feeds and nurtures the essence of your unique nature. For me it’s every and all gifts that Nature, the great Mother of us all, bestows on us every day in every way. I am a devoted seeker of beauty in all its forms. The birds are speaking to me. The flowers are singing their summer song. The breezes waft in delicious scents of roses and faerie bells and the clouds revel in their dance through the sky.
Take extra special, focused time at the NEW MOON to do what soothes your soul (as many souls are frazzled these days but it need not be yours) and feeds your delight. Join the butterflies, bats, and dragonflies as they rejoice in life. Rejoice in life, whatever your circumstances. Take a deep breath and feel the rhythms of the natural world (you’re a part of it all!) soothe and support you as you navigate these epic times.
This New Moon is opposed by Pluto moving retrograde at 29 degrees Capricorn. Pluto goes deep into the process of transformation, the letting go that needs to happen before the new can move on in. You might be feeling the repercussions of this dynamic very strongly in your life, like you’re in a raging storm waaay beyond your control. Or you may have already traversed this challenging terrain and need to be resting now. Pay attention to your own needs. Tune in to the truth of your needs right now and give yourself full attention and support to love on yourself as you love and dote on those you love.
Saturn and Neptune in Pisces can help you create structure to contain your concerns, offering you a way through – your imagination! Let Saturn help you give form to your dreams, releasing resistance to letting go of what no longer serves you, welcoming the NEW that is such a better fit.
Venus and Mercury in Leo encourages you to play lots and often!
Mars in Virgo is helping you to refine and focus on what needs tweaking.
Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus keeps you on your toes – as anything is possible now in the physical realms. What magic are you willing to allow into your life? Today as I sat by a creek I spotted a 4-leaf clover in a patch of what may appear as weeds to some, but to me, a treasure chest of wonder! Let wonder permeate your consciousness and you cannot but attract more wondrous things!

New Moon in Cancer – 7.17.23