Lion’s Gate Portal – 8.8.2023
I like to follow the cosmological line-ups and see for myself if the astro chatter is true for me or not.
I recommend this for all astro info – is it relevant to you, to what’s going in your chart,in your life?
This particular portal, which happens every year during the time when the Sun is transiting the fixed FIRE sign, LEO, is purported to be an opening into which you pour your heartfelt .desires for alignment with manifestation. I like the sound of that – who wouldn’t?
At the Lion’s Gate portal the Sun aligns with Orion (of belt fame) and Sirius, the Dog star. Check it out for yourself on this propitious day. Set your intentions directly from your heart into the portal you imagine is open to receive your desires.
Then what? Wait for signs.
For me signs come through animals. A grasshopper jumped on me twice today – am I ready to make a leap? There is a magical bunny who lives in the back yard who hops over to visit with me when we spot each other in the yard. Little toads have been jumping around too. And the birds are chattering like mad. Clearly the grasshopper, rabbit, and toads are hoppers, jumpers. What jumping do I need to do to manifest my desires? Something for me to ponder. And birds…well we know their magical gift of flight. Am I preparing to take flight? To where? To what fulfilled desire?
What is showing up in your life? What signs, songs, interactions are you having that might give you guidance as to where to focus your energy to bust a move in your own life?
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