New Moon at 23 degrees LEO
August 16, 2023
3:37am mountain time
we’re in the NEW MOON vibe!

New Moon in LEO 8.16.23
With Mercury transiting Virgo for soooo long (through October 5th this year!) I am over-the-top antsy to tidy, clean up, get rid of, organize, and generally get things in some semblance of order. This is all well and good as I like to make big messes doing creative projects and find that I enjoy the cleaning up after as much as I enjoy the creating of! I am finding that this time of the New Moon in creative Leo and the heightened energy of a Virgo Mercury creating and tidying up afterward go hand-in-hand..for me! Knowing your own chart, your tendencies, your preferences, your pleasures and your delights makes for a better experience each and every day.
New Moon in LEO says: GET CREATIVE! Let those juices flow. Each moment is a creative opportunity. What does your heart call you to create? A road trip? A collage? Lunch? Do that!
Not that there aren’t surprises, Uranian-style, to rock your boat, shake you out of any lethargy (lingering or new) and awaken you to the preciousness of each day. We humans love to live in the illusion that we are in control. Ha! The only thing you have control over is how you respond to everything you have no control over. And that’s an illusion too if you have not cleared out your ancestral and early childhood programming. If you have not tended to cleaning out that rat’s nest then you may think you are making decisions with ‘free will’ and ‘free choice’ but really you are just reacting with your pre-programmed responses. And, of course, there is the trauma each of us has experienced in one way or another throughout this incarnation. When trauma patterns are triggered – and sometimes they are running 24/7 like a virus in your computer – don’t forget computers are created by humans and demonstrate the same ‘issues’ humans have!- those trauma triggers create all kinds of havoc in your world. So…no better time than RIGHT NOW – to clear that crap out once and for all so you can live free of the old stories, free to live in your sovereignty.
Sovereignty! The perfect LEO word. This New Moon’s shadow potential is heightened by a conjunction from Black Moon Lilith, the dissociated, rejected part of yourself that must be integrated into the full picture in order to be functioning at your potential – if you want that! Being fully integrated with all your parts makes for happier, less stressed out, less anxiety-ridden YOU.
Lots of retrograde movement this month.
Pluto is retrograde at 28 degrees Capricorn.
Neptune is retrograde moving from 27 to 26 degrees Pisces.
Uranus stations retrograde at 23 degrees Taurus on August 29.
Saturn is retrograde moving from 4 to 3 degrees Pisces.
Venus retrograde 26 degrees Leo to 12 degrees Leo
Mercury stations retrograde on August 23 at 21 degrees Virgo.
LOTS of slowing down to help you get your ducks tidily in a row, or however you like to configure them!
What’s the rush anyway?
Slow down and smell some flowers, count your blessings, and give a helping hand when you can.
I just donated to a Cat Rescue in Maui, in honor of a dear friend’s cat that crossed the rainbow bridge this week and, of course, Arthur insisted! If you feel pulled to help the Maui situation in this way here’s the link to donate: Maui Cat Rescue

Maui Cat Rescue