Full Moon at 7 degrees Pisces
30 August 2023
7:35pm mountain time

Full Moon in Pisces – a VERY BLUE MOON
Between the sentimental dreaminess of the Pisces Moon conjoining Saturn and the intensified mischief of Mercury retrograde in Virgo pushing for order in the Divine chaos of it all, I decided doing laundry in the way my mother would have done it in our summer days in the Catskill mountains back in the 60’s would be the best way to work this energy. And it is.
Mercury turned retrograde on August 23rd at 21 degrees Virgo and will be making its way back to 8 degrees Virgo on September 15. Already many things have gone wonky, askew and generally kerfuffled in almost unimaginable ways. And…it’s just begun! You will feel the urge to get things organized, to put things in order and then you will find yourself distracted as the Moon, Saturn and Neptune transiting the mutable water sign Pisces seduce you into the realm of fantasy and chaotic confusion, your best-intended plans gone to crap and you’re binge-watching White Lotus, which you have already seen but feel you must see again. Or whatever is your favorite distraction from tending to the details of your world calling to you from the edges of your awareness.
The obvious, though often wrestled with, path is to do pleasurable things that help to ground you (for me it’s laundry) while you enjoy letting go of all other things until after the Full Moon, the second Full Moon of this month – the BLUE MOON – passes. This moon is also the SUPERMOON closest to the Earth in its elliptical orbit this year. I saw it at is 93.8% waxing gibbous phase last night and it was undeniably ginormous. Check it out tonight (howling encouraged)!
The Virgo Sun – Pisces Moon dynamic will always see-saw you between the urge to get everything organized, tidy, all ducks in a row (Virgo Sun) while the Pisces energy will draw you into the inevitable pull to entropy. You get to decide where you are on that spectrum at any point during the day and BE THAT. Fighting against the flow will only leave you exhausted as going with the flow (your flow) will keep you energized and engaged.
Pisces is the expansive potential of all things. Virgo brings all that energy into form and function. The trick is to know when to ground the expansiveness into form. You’re here to blow your own mind with ecstatic Piscean yumminess and bring it into Virgo practicality. Will your Virgo energy allow you to do just that? This Full Moon will support you in letting go of the edges of your comfort zone and allowing for Divine inspiration to guide and direct you.
The Sun at 7 degrees Virgo is being conjoined by Black Lilith. Time to acknowledge that which you have disowned, integrating all disowned parts into your Self so you may be effective as service to Spirit. After all is said and done, you ARE a spiritual being having a physical experience so…own it!

Mercury retrograde in Virgo
Whatever box you find yourself in, you get to choose….in or out?
MANY planets retrograde right now…Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Venus and Chiron all slowed down, working their brand of transformative magic. I have found that the slower I go, the faster I am able to get things done. Sounds crazy..right? Who cares what it sounds like…it works! So slow down and enjoy the ride!
And what better time that RIGHT NOW to get some astro insight into your own journey?
Let’s see where the planets are highlighting your potential in your own birth chart.
Being in the know is THE BEST way to navigate your ride!
Let’s take a look and amp up your energy for yourself and all you wish to experience.